This post isn't too Christmas-y, but hopefully the free gifties will make up for the lack of sugarplums and joyfulness!
Rummaging around Caribe today, I noticed some freebie earrings outside of Juicy. I quickly snatched them up and outfitted myself with my newfound bundles of green and yellow happiness, hanging from each ear... Cheese, anyone?
Really though, a great deal (how much better can you get?) for some great earrings - what more can a girl ask for?

(sorry, it's actually a terrible picture of the earrings. hmph.)
The skin in the photo above is called Vogue Skin - Bronzed, which you can buy from Celestial Studios.

The skin above is called Vogue Skin - Cashmere, which you can buy at Celestial Studios.

It even has a tongue piercing. ;p
Have a great holiday season!
HI Satori,
I'm sorry to say we discovered this skin is stolen from Celestial, as was the Alina skin. Unfortunately there is no way of removing these from Free*Style group notices, but I'm hoping now that I have written rules for the group and made it invite only, stolen content won't get into the group notices any longer.
Loving your blog, your pictures are great. I've added the link to mine :)
Oh wow, thanks for letting me know! I must've missed that memo. Eesh. I will make a note of that, and buy the real skins. (Hopefully they're still up for sale!) Thanks again. =]
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