Only $1L for the next, oh 4 hours or so! So sorry for the short notice. ;] I actually posted a notice in the Free*Style group about 20 hours ago, no worries. I'm a nice person after all. I must say, I'm really liking this skin... Is that vain...? Oh well! I just love it. The thick, black eyeshadow. The shiny-ness. The beauty mark. Yum. TP to Bazy for this skin + more.
Also, a few freebs I've been meaning to post:
Yummy (above Nylon Outfitters in Tableau) has a happy little freebie box. Included -->

black beaded necklace

cherry pin

The necklace above is thanks to La Reina. I got this a few weeks ago for free, so I'm not sure if it's still up for grabs. It's especially good for someone with the initials 'L.R.'....

Pin Up Dolls has this great plum dress and a cute bustier available for $1L.

Vette's Boutique is giving out this adorable 'Burgess' outfit as well - go go go! edit: Okay, I guess I'm late to post this outfit, because I can't find it at Vette's Boutique. She is, however, giving out the following daisy shirt for free, a long with a couple of other things. Score!

Welcome to the wild world of blogging. I added you to our blog roll at Savoir Hair.
Hi, just to let you know -the Burgess outfit is located as a freebie in my mainstore in Mangakino, just on the left inside the door. Hope you like! x
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